Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi

This is the story of an impactful brand makeover!

Te Kiritaki (The Client)

Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi (THOON) provide a range of support, advisory services and events to help progress their iwi, hapū, marae and whānau towards a vision where the sacred house of Ngāpuhi stands strong.

Ngā Take (The Problem)

THOON is about supporting its local community, but when they came to us, it was them who needed the support. Their branding was outdated, and with a new strategic plan in play, it was time for a refresh.

Te Whakaaroaro (The Thinking)

To build a brand representing every corner that Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi reaches. A brand that iwi, hapū, marae and whānau would immediately recognise as theirs.

Ngā Mahi (The Work)

Our team crafted a new and meaningful brand for THOON. We then created collateral with the new brand and designed new-look vehicle logos that would gain recognition throughout the region. Lastly, we branded the strategic plan so that everything was aligned.

What Our Whānau Said?

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Ngā Putanga (The Results)

With its fresh new branding and collateral, Te Hau Ora o Ngapuhi looks better than ever! 

Here are three key takeaways from our work together:

  • THOON is thrilled with the refreshed look and feel.
  • The new designs are a hit, receiving much love from the team and the wider community.
  • THOON is excited to use the new collateral and share its message with whānau & hapū.
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